Note: This is a very outdated list and mostly represents the books I used at when I was first compiling the website in the mid-to-late 1990s. I'll work on getting a more complete and up-to-date bibliography up here in the future. This is a list of the main resources I've used to compile these pages (scans, info, dates, etc.) Where you see two dates on a book, the earlier one is the original publication date of the book and the later is the publication date of the copy I have. In addition to these books, there are some journal articles and class notes I have referred to.
Arnold, Janet Queen Elizabeth's Wardrobe Unlock'd 1988. Baker, Kenneth (ed.) The Faber Book of English History in Verse, 1988. Bindoff, S.T. The Pelican History of England- #5 Tudor England, 1950 (1962). Buchanan, Patricia Margaret Tudor Queen of Scots, 1985. Buck, Stephanie Hans Holbein, 1999. Cannon, Joh (ed.) The Oxford Companion to British History, 1997. Carey, John (ed.) Eyewitness to History, 1987 (1990). Chapman, Hester W. Lady Jane Grey, 1962. Chrimes, S.B. Henry VII, 1972 (1999). De la Croix, Horst et al. Art Through the Ages (9th ed.), 1991. Dodd, A.H. Life in Elizabethan England, Erickson, Carolly The First Elizabeth, 1983. Erickson, Carolly Great Harry- The Extravagant Life of Henry VIII, 1980. Fraser, Antonia The (Six) Wives of Henry VIII, 1992. (Illustrated ed. Annotated text) Gairdner, James Henry the Seventh, 1899. Girouard, Mark Historic Houses of Britain, 1979 Griffiths, Ralph A. and Roger S. Thomas The Making of the Tudor Dynasty, 1985. Guy, John Tudor England , 1988 Haigh, Christopher Profiles in Power - Elizabeth I, 1988. Harvey, Nancy Lenz Elizabeth of York: The Mother of Henry VIII, 1973. Harvey, P.D.A. Maps in Tudor England, 1993. Hibbert, Christoper Wonders of Man: The Tower of London, 1971. (Newsweek Books) Hicks, Michael Who's Who in Late Medival England, 1991. Ives, Eric Anne Boleyn, 1986. James, Susan E. "Lady Margaret Douglas and Sir Thomas Seymour by Holbein: Two Miniatures Re-identified" Apollo, Vol. 147, No. 435, 1998. Johnson, Paul Castles of England, Scotland and Wales, 1989. Jones, Michael K. and Malcolm G. Underwood The King's Mother: Lady Margaret Beaufort, Countess of Richmond and Derby, 1992. Langdon, Helen with notes by James Malpas Holbein, 1976. Lapper, Ivan and Geoffrey Parnell Landmarks in History: The Tower of London, 2000. Lindsey, Karen Divorced, Beheaded, Survived: A Feminist Reinterpretation of the Wives of Henry VIII, 1995. Llewellyn, The Reverend John F.M. The Chapels in the Tower of London, 1987. Loades, David (ed.) Chronicles of the Tudor Kings , 1990. Loades, David Mary Tudor: A Life, 1989. Lodge, Edmund Esq. Illistrations of British History Vol. 1, 1838 (1969) Lofts, Norah Queens of England, 1977. Marshall, Rosalind K. Elizabeth I, 1991. Marshall, Rosalind K. Mary I, 1993. Minney, R.J. Hampton Court, 1972. O'Day, Rosemary The Longman Companion to the Tudor Age, 1995. Parker, K.T. The Drawings of Holbein at Windsor Castle, 1945. Perry, Maria Sisters to the King 1998. (Also published as The Sisters of Henry VIII) Routh, C.R.N. (ed.) The Saw It Happen: An Anthology of Events in British History 1485-1688, 1956. Routh, C.R.N., revised by Peter Holmes Who's Who in British History: Tudor England 1485-1603, 1990 (2001). Routh, E.M.G. Lady Margaret, A Memoir of Lady Margaret Beaufort Countess of Richmond and Derby Mother of Henry VII, 1924. Scarisbrick, J.J. The Reformation and the English People, 1984. Sim, Alison Food and Feast in Tudor England, 1997. Starkey, David (ed.) Rivals in Power- The Lives and Letters of the Great Tudor Dynasties, 1990. Tannahill, Reay Food in History, 1973. Tauté, Anne (Compiler) The Kings and Queens of Great Britain Showing Their Descent and Relationships, 1976 (1983). The Mary Rose Trust The Mary Rose Museum and Ship Hall Guidebook, 1999. Thurley, Simon Hampton Court Palace- Official Guidebook 1996. Thurley, Simon; Edward Impey and Peter Hammond The Tower of London - Official Guidebook, 1996. Trowles, Tony (ed.) Westminster Abbey Official Guide, 1997. Warnicke, Retha M. The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn, 1989. Watkin, David English Architecture: A Consise History, 1979. Watkins, Susan The Public and Private Worlds of Elizabeth I, 1998. Weir, Alison The Children of Henry VIII, 1996. (Also published as Children of England) Weir, Alison Elizabeth the Queen, 1998. Weir, Alison Henry VIII - The King and His Court, 2001. Weir, Alison The Six Wives of Henry VIII, 1991. Williams, Neville Henry VIII and His Court, 1971. Williams, Neville The Life and Times of Elizabeth I, 1972. Williams, Neville The Life and Times of Henry VII, 1973. Williams, Penry Life in Tudor England, 1964. Woodward, G.W.O. King Henry VIII, 1993 (1995). Woodward, G.W.O. The Six Wives of Henry VIII 1992 (1996).